Management Direction

Like in many other medium-sized enterprises in the technical industry, the company founder at JAEGER GmbH is also managing director and the mastermind in behind the service concept.
At the same time Mr  Manfred Jäger is working as a sales manager. Our customers do profit from his extensive hands on experience, his knowledge of production processes  and  his technical expertise.

Manfred Jäger

Owner / Managing Director, Sales

phone +49 7520 9668 10
fax +49 7520 9668 90
mobile +49 170 93 94 110
e-mail mjaeger [at] jaeger-gmbh [dot] com


Management Direction

Like in many other medium-sized enterprises in the technical industry, the company founder at JAEGER GmbH is also managing director and the mastermind in behind the service concept.
At the same time Mr  Manfred Jäger is working as a sales manager. Our customers do profit from his extensive hands on experience, his knowledge of production processes  and  his technical expertise.

Manfred Jäger

Owner / Managing Director, Sales

phone +49 7520 9668 10
fax +49 7520 9668 90
mobile +49 170 93 94 110
e-mail mjaeger [at] jaeger-gmbh [dot] com